Media Impact on the Law Enforcement

Nov 19, 2020

Depending on the economy, politics, faith and culture of various countries, the mass media structures of the world vary from each other. There were limits on what the media might report about the government in countries that preceded communism and totalitarianism, like the former USSR and China. The press is indeed open, but subject to some fair constraints imposed by the Constitution of India, 1950, as amended ("Constitution") under Article 19(1) (a), from the Indian viewpoint and its form of parliamentary democracy. The media is considered as the fourth pillar of democratic democracy after executive, legislative, and judiciary.

The mass media was completely dominated by the government until the effect of globalization was felt, which allowed the media to project only what the government wanted the public to see and in a manner that it wanted the public to see. However, the situation has undergone a massive shift with the onset of globalization and privatization. It becomes an absolute necessity to enforce such legal restrictions and guidelines on transmission and communication in such an age of media upsurge.

The press primarily teaches in two ways, presenting the latest news along with its history and study. Without bias, selectivity or distortion, their job is to offer full news. But in all its facets, the true glory of any press is to be found in its most educational component, which is to provide good commentary on public life. "This should be the" press duty, the source of its power, 

But the reality is different and bitter as now media work for its TRP, also its there affected and influenced by power people such as the executive, celebrity etc. In SSR case, the TRP worked in two ways, gave hype to the matter which pressurized the government and the Supreme Court to involve CBI to do a detailed investigation and another, declared Rhea a culprit which is not fair, just and reasonable. Media trial mostly works as a way to create pressure and influence people. Though it can be said that if the media wouldn't have stepped in the matter knowing the reality of the glamour industry was impossible. But one cannot completely rely on the media as its credibility rests on biasness. There needs to be a balance between Art 19 & 21 right of life and liberty with the accused. 

Another significant and sensitive media weapon is Trial by Media which impacts an individual's credibility and personality throughout the media are also accused of provoking an environment of public hysteria that often disturbs the situation of law and order in sensational public court cases.

Recently, by doing this, the media also, in a way, impacted on the drugs being used and smuggled in the industry like nuts. The impact on drug use is so much so that the Narcotics Control Bureau is bound to investigate against the powerful public figures like Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan, Shaarda Kapoor and many more to come. Another example is CAA, where the media worked for both the government and the people as well. 

Modern media, i.e. electronic media, has increased the production of the democratic process and offers a forum for public engagement in matters of national or social interest in a way that is capable of influencing the government. The media fulfil a dual goal. Not only does it bring information to the press, but it also brings public reactions back to the government, pushing the media to be more responsive to public opinion, later on, serving as a repository of public confidence to relay accurate and true information to the people. However, it would confuse the public and hamper their decision to form a correct opinion if paid information were viewed as news material.

In a way, it can be said that the media is an eye-opener as well a power which creates pressure in the society to recognize, address and answer problems faced by the common mass and then the only platform to connect to the government as early as possible.

