Karnataka High court to examine scheme framed by Karnataka state bar council for distributing Rs 5 crores among needy advocates.

Nov 26, 2020

The Karnataka High Court directed the State Government to ensure that an amount of Rs 5 Crore is immediately transferred to the Karnataka State Bar Council (KSBC), for the benefit of needy advocates amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A direction to this effect was passed after the KSBC informed the Court that it had not yet received the said amount from the State Government. In its order, the Court also went on to urge the Bar Association at Kalburgi to follow the example of the Advocates Association, Bengaluru (AAB) in helping out needy advocate clerks. During the hearing, counsel for AAB reminded the Bench that during the last hearing, it had asked the KSBC to throw some light on the basis on which the amount of Rs 5 crore would be distributed to advocates. In response, counsel for KSBC submitted that no scheme had been formulated, as it has not yet received the said amount from the state government.

